4 Questions You Should Ask the Seller When Buying a Used Semi Truck

Whether you are an established owner-operator truck driver or just looking into getting into this aspect of commercial trucking, buying a rig can be one of the most overwhelming feats that you will face. Many semis spend years on the road and a lot of truckers and trucking companies run these semis until they have barely any life left. Therefore, you have to be discerning when you are looking to make an investment. There are four good questions you should be asking while you shop at semi truck sales locations. 

1. What was the semi used to haul? It may seem irrelevant, but it is actually crucial to know what the semi was used to haul by its former owner. What the truck was used to haul will have a direct impact on its condition in most cases. For example, a truck that was used to haul dry grocery runs from a warehouse to stores may not have been through as much wear and hard-pulling as one that was used to charter heavy equipment. 

2. How many previous owners has the semi truck had? Getting a good look at how many owners a semi has had will give you insight into how many different industries the truck has been used by. Plus, it will be better to get information on the truck if you have problems down the road. Keep in mind that you can often find out how many previous owners a rig has had by pulling the VIN and having it ran by the local Department of Motor Vehicles. 

3. Are there service records available? If there is one important thing to know before you lay your money down on a semi, it is how well the vehicle has been maintained. You will want to see how often the truck has had its oil and tires changed, how often the diesel motor has been serviced, and any other record of service that is available. 

4. Was the truck used in a primary location or all across the country? Semis can be used in local runs or pushed hard to run across the country to various locations. Either way is no harder than the other on the truck. However, if the semi was used in mainly up north in colder climates, the chassis and undercarriage could have been exposed to more salt in the roadways, which should definitely mean that you take a look underneath to check for corrosion. 

The bottom line is, as a truck owner or driver, your most valuable investment will be the semi trucks that you choose. Therefore, you have to make sure that any time you find a truck that has the chance to be considered for purchase, you ask all of the right questions before making a decision. Look at sales like Arrow Truck Sales to find your truck.
